Tuesday 3 January 2012

Have I invented a new block?

Highly unlikely I know but while thinking of a centre for the Carolina Row follow up quilt which I call RJN (my Dad's initials) Mark 2,  I came up with this. First drew it in rough, then made it work in fabric with two cutting size errors for the three pieces involved. Must try harder. Still pleased with the outcome though.

If it is new it will be the called the Newport block, his surname and where I live.

Is this the new Newport block?
Colours look foul as I always seem to photograph at night and my flash washes them out altogether. Suffice to say centre is soft yellow and brown, pale blue inner triangles and dark blue outers. It all works with the master plan.
Rest of the quilt is going really well. Each 10" square will consist of four half triangle squares. 14 of the 20 10 inchers needed are at the four stage. Next I decide in which order to arrange those half triangle squares and there are a million possibilities. Need a design wall.
Am really enjoying designing the quilt myself depending in materials available = left overs,  rather than following a book pattern even if it does make my head hurt all too often.Progress is quite fast, less than a week so far, very satisfying.
Off to Bath tomorrow look for brushed cotton backing, apparently known as flannel. Always wondered what that was. A Thermal Spa treat is on the agenda too.

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